Monday, June 21, 2004


“A day is more than a passage of time - it is a passage of life … Each day enters, opens its doors, tells its story, and then returns above, never to visit again. Never - for no two days in the history of the cosmos will ever be the same.” From the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Monday, June 07, 2004


What a great weekend and a great ride, 100 miles around Lake Tahoe. We finished our ride in about 9 hours on a beautiful glorious day.

- 3000 riders, 1900 riding for Team In Training
- $6.5 million raised for cancer research, $65,000/mile

- Speaking to hundreds of participants from around the country, thanking them for their commitment to the Cause
- After my speech, a lady who is an 11 year cancer survivor, gave me her yellow, Lance Armstrong "Live Strong" wristband for me to wear during the ride
- Meeting Alan and Charlene, who rode in their first century in honor of their 11 year-old son, Andrew who is fighting leukemia
- Meeting Kai, who after crashing at 55 miles, patched himself up and finished the ride. He's nails.
- Seeing my teammates finish their first century, especially by buddy Noel
- Breathtaking view of the lake, with snow capped mountains, and boats gliding through white capped waves
- Pacelining at 25 mph with a stupid grin on my face
- Bombing the descents at 42 mph
- Popsicles at the top of the 11 mile climb up Spooner Summit
- Hearing the collective gasp of other riders when someone inadvertently knocked over someone's $8000 carbon-fiber Colnago Anniverary Edition bike
- Having 19 of my friends and family there to cheer us on, with noisemakers, signs and lots of love. They rock.
- Hearing my 3 year old daughter Gillian saying she wants to ride with me on the bike
- Getting to celebrate Jean's 40th birthday, also on the day of the ride