Friday, July 30, 2004


Our daughter Gillian is 3 1/2 years old, and "graduating" from her preschool to the next "grade."

This is our first taste of school events so I was pretty excited to attend. This is the reason we parents spend hundreds of dollars on digital cameras and camcorders (I borrowed my brothers to record the event.)

She was so precious in her pint-size red cap and gown marching and singing with her classmates (though she wouldn't keep her cap on.) (NOTE: if someone knows how to post pictures on this blog, please contact me, my latest attempts were futile.)

They sang, danced, got awards and a completion certificate. At the end of the ceremony, they raffled off toys and other prizes. She/we won a gift certificate to use toward next season's tuition. Of course that didn't impress Gillian too much, she wanted a TOY! (to stave off a meltdown I later took her to Toys R Us to buy her a graduation gift, where she picked out a Lil Bratz doll.)

Here's the kicker, during the ceremony, right when her name is called to pick up her diploma, the camera battery DIES. Un-be-lievable.

Well, at least I have her other classmates doing ballet and cheerleading, sheesh.

So much for posterity sake, though at least we can frame her diploma along with her picture.

Eighteen years from now, we'll be watching her in another red cap and gown, graduating with honors from Stanford.

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