Last year the Leukemia Society asked if I would like to be a part of their new national marketing campaign for Hike for Discovery. Of course I'm honored to do anything I can for the Society. Hike for Discovery is a training and fundraising program similar to Team In Training but you get to hike in beautiful (unforgettable, stunning, breathtaking) locales like Yosemite and Grand Canyon.
Well the website is up and the promotional pieces have already hit mailboxes and businesses. Gilly and I feel like celebrities. People emailing me from as far as Minnesota saying they saw the piece.
Funny story, my brother and his wife are ordering take-out at a restaurant in Emeryville. She glances over at the brochure on the counter and says, 'hey, that guy looks Roman.' My brother is preoccupied with ordering and says, 'yeah, it does huh' and goes back to ordering. She goes over and picks it up and yells OMG! It IS Roman...and Gilly! Cool!
My IronTeammate Beau said it was in their race packet at the Disneyworld Marathon. My other teammate Sedonia wanted to put it in her pocket so she could say she 'ran a marathon with Roman.' Beau wants it autographed (I haven't figured out if he's serious or not.) I told him I wouldn't even charge, haha.
I was even at my gym earlier this week and the brochure was at the front desk (yay 24 Hour Fitness). I tapped the lady there, pointed and said, 'check it out, that's me!' Smiled. And exited stage left as she stood there mouthing 'hey, wow'.
I have a few more stories like that from other people too, old friends, teammates, Gilly's teachers, coworkers. Fun.
Hike is such an amazing and much needed program. I'll try to Hike this year though it overlaps with Ironman, but for sure I'll be keeping in touch with the team throughout the season.
If you're at places like Fleet Feet, Sports Basement, REI, sports stores, restaurants, gyms you may spot the brochure. Or you can contact me and I'll send you one, the Home Office in NY sent me a stack.
I'll put up some pictures of the brochures/letter later but you can check out the website. We're in the banner movie on top of the page, and our picture and story is at the bottom. It's signed Hike for Discovery Spokesperson so since I'm the Spokesperson, you all have to go out there and do a hike :) Yosemite and Grand Canyon. Can't beat that!
Check it out here: www.hikefordiscovery.org
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