To all the artists after my own heart - keep creating, bringing beauty into, and sharing your genius with the world.
Some quotes to share with you that have inspired me:
“A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.” - Abraham Maslow
"Great art not only brings forth the ordered essence of human experience, but of the world we live in, this is what we call beauty. Art and love are man’s greatest gifts to himself; and there can be no art without love. Art is always the making of the soul, the craft of a human being’s touch…" - David Hawkins, "Power vs. Force"

‘When I see works that come close to my heart…I have the strangest reaction, which is not always exhilarating, it is sort of like being hit in the stomach. It’s just this sort of completely overwhelming feeling, which then I have to grope my way out of, calm myself down, and try to approach it scientifically, not with all my antennae vulnerable, open . . . . What comes to you after looking at it calmly, after you’ve really digested every nuance and every little thread, is the total impact. When you encounter a very great work of art, you just know it and it thrills you in all your senses, not just visually, but sensually and intellectually.’ “ - Mihaly Scikszentmihalyi, "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience"
(pic: "Red Jazz" by Didier Lourenco; "La Victoire de Samothrace")
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