Here are some pics at the local diner we've been frequenting, Blanes Drive Inn (courtesy of budding photographer Gillian Seguerre). It's across the street from Hilo High School where both of my parents went to school and grew up in. My dad said this is the same location of the diner where my parents dated in High School 45 years ago. Yes, forty-five. Wow. Of course they reminisce a lot about those teenage years, "The Wonder Years." Listening to their stories over a plate lunch, I was struck by the fact that I was back here with them these many years later. However you look at it, that's waaay cool.

And speaking of Blane's. Instead of the requiste pictures of palm trees and beaches, here's a little montage of one of my favorite things to do when I'm in Hawaii...eat da local broke da mouth grinds (sorry, it means 'good food." A new phrase I heard is "If can, can. If no can, no can. " Say it, it will make you smile. It means "if you can do it, fine. If not, no biggie.")

(plate lunch!)

(super loco moco)

(Lau Lau plate)

(lomi, poke)


(fast food)

(slush float)
This didn't even include the fresh mango, fried saimin, spam musubi, saloon pilot crackers, freshly made mochi, one-ton chips and more.
Some more pics:

(the keikis)

(a local business)

(from our hotel balcony)

(farmers market)

(The Princess and the King)
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