Went to the opening night showing of Superman Returns last night. I went by myself since everyone else had other things like sleep in mind. I don't think I've done a midnight showing since one of the latest Star Wars. The best part of opening night is the energy from the crowd, usually full of fellow-geeks. I felt left out that I didn't have a Superman t-shirt, hat or pajamas to wear. Actually, I was wearing my uniform under my suit...oh never mind. But, you know the feeling, 500 hundred of your newest friends who go into near hysteria when the lights dim and the opening credits start rolling. Love that.
The movie: I really enjoyed it. Lots of the same beats from Donner's Superman (with Christopher Reeve). It was actually more of a love story than a summer action popcorn flick, but that's fine with me. (I think "Pirates" will fit that bill.) Singer and cast came through with a modern re-telling of the 1978 classic. Go see it, you'll love the end.
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