Here's my race and travel schedule so far this year. We're well into the race season so I'm ramping up my training after a rather dormant and uneventful winter and rainy spring.
June 14-17: Peak Potentials Training Seminar, Pasadena, CA
T. Harv Eker's training, best selling author of "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind." It's the fastest growing personal development company in North America. I saw a keynote of his, and it was amazing.
June 26: Jake Shimabukuro Concert, Yoshi's Jazz House, Oakland, CA
Young ukelele genius, yes, ukelele. Didn't catch him the last time he came to the Bay Area so I'm catching his late show. And I absolutely love this club (www.yoshis.com). Check him out here, jaw-dropping:
July 1-4: Lake Tahoe
Going back to Squaw Valley like last year. I love Tahoe. Plan to read, bike, hike a lot. And the fireworks are loud.
August 5: Marin Metric Century Ride, Marin, CA
A training race for Honolulu, it's 100 KM which is about 62 miles. I'll be riding with some of my friends, their first event. Lots of fun, beautiful ride hitting favorite spots in the Bay Area.
September 17: Disneyland Half-Marathon, Anaheim, CA
I told my sister that I'd train and do this race with her, both first times for us. I'm proud of my sis for stepping up her health and fitness regimen. I told her that running 13.2 miles is no small feat. Plus I want the big, fat bling-bling medals that Disney Marathons are known for. It's all about the 'hardware' (racespeak for race medals.) I'm going to totally chill on this race, I don't want to blow up my legs because my century ride is the following Sunday and I'm supposed to be tapering for Honolulu. Hoo-boy, this is going to be fun and so worth it.
September 23-30: Honolulu Century Ride, Hawaii
The Honolulu Century is the big race this year, the first time I've done this event and Jean's first century ever. I'm doing this with Team In Training as a partipant and honoree to raise money for cancer research. It's a beautiful course starting in Waikiki, around Diamond Head, pass Kaneohe Bay and back. And hello...it's Hawaii. The ride's on the 24th but we'll be extending our stay because, hello...it's Hawaii. www.hbl.org/events_general.html
October 8: San Jose Rock N Roll Half-Marathon, San Jose, CA
I told my brother I'd do this with him, his first as well. Maybe I can ride my bike instead of running it. I need a massage just thinking about it. This is the inaugural race in SJ. I was at the the San Diego RNR Marathon last year, bands every mile, they're a blast. This will be too. www.rnrsj.com/Home.html
November 16-18: XanGo Convention, Salt Lake City, UT
(pic: my ASICS GT 2100s)
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