Saturday, February 18, 2006

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Well I’m glad I don’t live on the East Coast where headline news warn of a blizzard coming through along with flights being canceled, lightning and a foot of snow expected. If you’re anywhere near the San Francisco Bay Area, you were probably out today enjoying the beautiful Spring-like weather, so many amazing places to go and see. It was 70 degrees here, a nice respite, so of course got out today. I love the warmth of the sun on my face, looking out over the water, it always brings a smile to my face. I watched a lone kayaker in the distance, wanting to be out there as well.

Monday, February 06, 2006

I’m up late tonight, reading and journaling, looking out the window from the 30th floor of my hotel room in SF. It’s peaceful and quiet, far above the daily noise of city life far below. I love the city, this particular hotel. I love moments like these.

My thoughts drift to a dear friend of mine who is going through a painful time, grieving the recent loss of her dear friend and the difficult transition to gain back her footing and well being. At a loss for words, I told her to never give up, and promised her that things will work out, they always do. I now realize I said it not only for her, but for myself as well, knowing what it's like to go through an unbearable situation. I know her. She’s strong.

I woke to the sounds of church bells ringing in the distance below and the melodic voice of my 5 year-old and one her favorite sayings, “Wake up Daddy, it’s a Sunny Day!”

Both dark nights and sunny days are part of this life we live. Both will come, but we can live life one day at a time, knowing the dark nights won't last.

Have a Sunny Day!


(pic 2: sunrise over the city)

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

After I read my precious five year-old Gillian a favorite bedtime story, she said her prayers and I tucked her into bed. I watched as she drifted asleep, like an angel, but after a few moments, she opened her eyes, furrowed her eyebrows and inquisitively asked me, “Daddy…what’s heaven look like?”

A question like that melts a Daddy’s heart.

I whispered to her, “Heaven is the most beautiful place you could ever imagine, it’s always sunny and warm like Spring, there’s all kinds of pretty flowers and waterfalls and trees and you can run and play in the tall green grass all day long. All the houses are shiny and sparkly like glitter. You never get a tummy ache or an owee, you’re never sad, you never cry, you’re always happy and laughing and playing.

She asked, “How do you get there? Do you fly? Like angels with wings?”

“Umm, yes Honey.”

“Is Jesus there? Does he have wings too? Will I see him? I don’t want to see him by myself.”

“You won’t ever be by yourself. All the people who you love will be there too.”

“Like you and Mommy and my cousins, and Aunties and Uncles and friends from school?”

“Yes, Love.”

“And Granny and Grampy too.”

“Yes, Granny and Grampy too.”

“Thank you Daddy. Good night, I love you.”

“I love you too Sweetie, my Bella. Sweet dreams…”