Friday, October 07, 2005


I shaved my head and goatee(!) off today. I'm big on rituals, traditions, milestones so I made it my own little ritual. I just needed/wanted a change, albeit brief. In the 13-ish years I'm been wearing a goatee, I've probably only shaved it off maybe three times.

When I picked up my daughter Gillian from preschool, I'll normally just watch her play or color for a few moments before I call her. This time she looked up, saw me, smiled, and continued coloring.

As I walked toward her, her face contorted and she exclaimed, "Daddy, why is your face so different? I thought you were someone else's Daddy!" She kept staring at me with a puzzled look, 'you look funny!' Even her teacher asked if I was the Daddy. She thought I was an uncle. Funny.

An informal poll shows that most like me with my goatee, but sans goatee makes me look younger. They're not use to seeing my lips or my 'Cindy Crawford' mole.

I'm growing it back but maybe keep it tighter. Sorry no pics. Wouldn't want to scare anyone.

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